I recently went back to my home town of Boston. I got really lucky for the weather and travel. I went the day after the record breaking October 2011 snow storm, so my plane was on time, and full of people who were bumped from their snowed out flight from the day before. I landed, and downtown Boston snow had melted and it was actually felt warmer than Nashville. I made it to my destination, still within the urban zone, and there was plenty of power, hot water for showers, food, light etc. I turned on the TV, and west and north of Boston, people were without power, and the temps were dropping to 32F over night. It would be nearly a week for power to be restored because so many power line came down.
Since I was so very lucky to be in the Boston downtown area, I had all the luxuries that come with having power, so I got to enjoy myself! I decided to take some time to be a tourist, which I have not done for probably over 30 years. It was a delight! Here is some of what I saw.

Massachusetts State House
I love the gold dome

Hallow's Eve head

I93 Park. I93 used to be an overhead highway that ran right through downtown Boston. The highway divided Downtown Boston from the Famed North End. There was a dank, dark, drippy, drudgery, smelly, trashy walkway under I93 for as long as I could remember. To get to the North End was tricky because it was so disgusting. Then through the 1990s and 2000s, the big dig happened and I93 went underground and the gross disgusting walkway was reclaimed as a park. I93 has some problems, but the park is not one of them. The park as really opened up the North End making it look so much nicer!

In 1976, the Nation's Bicentennial, the Freedom Trail was installed throughout the city. This trail takes walkers to some of the historic "must see" places in the Boston. Many of the places to stop were marked by a marker like the one I photographed. Most of the sidewalk markers have been vandalized or stolen. This one has survived because it is near the end of the Freedom trail, where most Americans don't make it because they are too tired to go on to get to this point.

At Old North Church is still a working church. On the church grounds is a memorial in memory of the men and women who lost their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq during this war. There is one dog tag hanging for every dead soldier.

Hubway - the short ride bike rental experiment

Shaw, some revolutionary war hero

New England Holocaust Memorial

Haymarket Pizza - really spiffed up and looking good. This street used to be where farmers would pull up their horse drawn carts to sell fruits and veggies to the public and grocers. This building was more like horse stables, than it was a modern building. When I was in high school, Haymarket Pizza used to just be a window with a wooden hinged shutter, and no sign. When they had pizza, the shutter was propped open, and it is $0.50 per cheese slice, and $0.75 for pepperoni slice. The slices were big, hot and floppy, and perfect for a filling lunch. The price was right too. When they ran out of pizza, they would take the prop off the shutter, the shutter would slam shut, and you would have to wait until the next day business day to get a pizza. Well, things have changed, and Haymarket Pizza looks like a real deal pizza business with a sign now. The prices are still extremely reasonable, only $1.25 per slice. Now that is still is a good deal for lunch!

Paul Revere statue