Eat Locally - Part 12, Day 7 The Final Supper
The last day of 7 for eating locally - It is almost over, or is it?

What did I eat on Day 7?
Breakfast: coffee and milk, strawberries
Lunch: fried rice made with leftover rice, pork chop, bacon, scallion and hard boiled eggs
Snack: a nap cuz I can
Dinner: chicken stir fry with shitake, baby bok choy, asparagus with a side of roasted root veggies
I went back to the Franklin Farmer's Market this morning for the Strawberries (Delvin Farms) that made my breakfast, and for other veggies to cook up for dinner. I went straight to the Hungry Gnome Farm again because I got awesome bitter greens from them last time, and I want to see what they would have this time. I am so excited, I got Forono Italian red beets, golden beets, a turnip, and kohlrabi to roast up tonight as a side dish to the chicken thigh stirfry with shitake and baby bok choy. We love roasted root veggies made simply with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Today will be roased root veggies with melted butter and bacon fat with a little salt. What was the rundown for these veggies and strawberries?
Turnip $1, Hungry Gnome Farm, Whites Creek, TN 10 miles
Kohlrabi $1, Hungry Gnome Farm, Whites Creek, TN 10 miles
Golden beets $4, Hungry Gnome Farm, Whites Creek, TN 10 miles
Forono beets $4, Hungry Gnome Farm, Whites Creek, TN 10 miles
Strawberries $5 1 quart, Delvin Farms, College Grove, TN 20 miles
semi-total- $15
total to date - $114.52
Kohlrabi $1, Hungry Gnome Farm, Whites Creek, TN 10 miles
Golden beets $4, Hungry Gnome Farm, Whites Creek, TN 10 miles
Forono beets $4, Hungry Gnome Farm, Whites Creek, TN 10 miles
Strawberries $5 1 quart, Delvin Farms, College Grove, TN 20 miles
semi-total- $15
total to date - $114.52
I really need to thank Cookiecrumb for living a week of eating locally at her house because it inspired me to eat locally at my house. For this experience, I feel like I have emerged from Plato's cave, and I can see things so much more clearly now. I am transformed to seeing the value of seeking locally grown and organic foods for my table. I was reminded what real milk tastes like, what real bacon tastes like, and what real eggs are like. I am interested in keeping these fabulous fresh foods on my table. I cannot wait until the local eggplants come up because I remember the extreme bitter flavor as a child, and I want that again. The industrial eggplants have been GMed so hard that they are just off-white fleshed mushy things without any flavor at all.
Before I started this week of eating locally, I had notions of what I thought this week was going to be all about. I thought it was the challenge of staying under budget, can I really eat locally for a week, the hunt for local foods, and supporting local farmers. After Day 1, all of these goals were easily obtainable? Now what is what I thought.
Well, the part about, "can I really eat locally for a week?" was weighing so heavily on my mind before I started. I was going through my mind what I would give up because it wasn't on my exemption list with salt, coffee, rice and a little spice. I was scared to give up popcorn, crackers, bread, corn syrup (I too am a gummi bear eater Cookiecrumb), my morning routine of homemade granola and soy milk, bananas, my great imported cheese, and any other snack food. I love the international flavors of spices and ingredients in my home that would have to go on a break for a week. I was addict to all these different foods and my old routine.
What the 1st day of this challenge came, I felt like was like the 1st day I gave up Walmart years ago. When I gave up Walmart, I didn't know how I would get along without it. I felt resentful that others were getting better deals than me, other people are wasting less time than me shopping because they only have to go to the big W, and I was I was going to go broke by going to local vendors who sell on a small scale. The psychological hold the big W had on me was tight, and I had withdrawl symptoms and I was irritable. The reality of the matter is that I am not broke, I consume and waste less, I don't shop any more often, I don't have to fight the Walmart parking lot traffic, and I don't have huge volumes of product wasting storage space in my house. For example, the last time I needed nails I spent less time going to my local hardware store (2 mile walk), and less money too. Had I gone to Walmart (20 miles and about 1.5 gallons of gas $4.50 ), I would have had to buy a box of 250 nails for $5, and ended up with an open box of nails wasting space in my house, and no good for any other job than needs nails of a different size. That trip would have cost about $9.50 for those nails. Since I only needed only a few nails, I went to the hardware store and spent $0.12 on exactly what I need. I even got 4 miles round trip of walking exercise (note, this is normal exercise for me as I jog at minimum 3 miles per day, so check with your health professional if you want to start an exercise program) reducing my risk of heart attack, diabetes, and obesity.
When I started this challenge, I had the same withdrawl symptoms that I had with giving up the big W. How was I going to get along without the convenience of my local "Big Box" chain grocery store? I was resentful that others were spending way less on meat than I was. That fact is true, but the quality of local, fresh killed chicken, and other meats are so much better, and I only bought exactly what I can eat, rather than buying a giant pre-wrapped pack of industrial meat that may go to waste. The quality of eggs is so much better and fresher. The quality of milk is on a completely higher plane than industrial milk. I was scared that I could not give up corn syrup products because nearly everything has corn syrup in it. I did it, no processed food, not one candy and not one dessert. I was irritated that I could not make a traditional chicken stock because of no local carrots and celery. The reality was that I did make a good chicken stock with local herbs, scallions and country ham to flavor the broth. It tasted different than the tradition stock, but it had a good Middle Tennessee flavor that was heart warming. Who said all chicken stock had to have carrots, celery and onions in it? It doesn't.
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Wal-Mart uses its huge buying power to force its suppliers to provide cheaper and cheaper products. So even though you're buying a brand name, it's all cheaped-down. You lose. It breaks sooner, and then you're back at Wal-Mart buying more. So congratulations on weaning yourself from Wal-Mart.
Even better -- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
On a successful week in which you learned a lot. You strike me as one of the few people (myself included) who really took this challenge seriously.
I'm very proud of you and rather inspired. Thank you for all the linky love. Have you been over to look at the site? You would have a lot to say there. Actually, since I'm an "author" there, I just might write up your success story for a post.
I am so proud of you.
Thank you Cookiecrumb for the inspiration, and support all week. It really helped me stay motivated on the challenge, and it helped me get a lot out of it.
It was a surprising challenge because at first, the motivations were external, yet in just a short 7 days, the challenge and change became internal. I challenged my old beliefs how things have been going along, and how food have changed by the big corporations. I started thinking outside the box more, thinking about the old world ways of food, and becoming a conscious eater during the week.
Thank you Cookiecrumb! I am so looking forward to your next big challenge or cook-off. What will it be? I will play!
Oh, and Please Do feel free to write about my week in Middle Tennessee and eating locally. I did check out the website, and I am trying to think of playing along for at least part of the month of September 2007. How about you and Cranky?
Those are nice root veggies! I love fried rice...
I just wanted to let you know that I am organizing the following event/meme:
I hope that you'll find the time to participate!
Please spread the word!!!
I love this idea! I would love to play along with the brunch meme! I must say, I might have to breakout something a little more special for Sunday this week.
LOL! I am glad you love fried rice too!
Wonderful. Don't we learn so much -- about ourselves as much as anything, of course -- when we go out of our comfort zone, see what we can do? It always turns out that the things we thought we had to have were really not all that important. I've experienced this kind of thing in the past and it's so valuable. Good going!
Hi Lisa, thank you for reading about my localvore journey! I was definitely taken by surprise about the personal growth I had in just one week of eating food grown locally. I am not a great writer, and I am having a problem expressing just the level and types of change I have had.
The one food I really missed and is important for my snacking happiness, I will say, is popcorn. I have been making home made (on the stove, not microwave) popcorn nearly every night for a snack. :-)
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