How Does the Garden Grow?
I have been forced to conclude my "eat locally" lifestyle early. As you might recall, back in the beginning of May, I started an "eat locally" week, and then kept on going with about 80% local eating of mostly organically grown local foods from a 100 miles radius from me. It was a slow start for me because in April we had a deep freeze of less than 20F, and all the delicate blooms had died. The 1st week of May usually is the 1st week of bounty, but this year it was pushed back 2 weeks due to the freeze. I thought we were going to have a decent rebound, but I did not think that we would have a summer of drought.

Personally at my house, all the few scattered rain showers passed by my house without a drop, and it has been about 12 weeks since rain has graced my garden. Today, we finally had rain, a nice steady rain that would allow water to soak in. Just as I was walking to my office building, the 1st drops started to fall. There is that smell that comes when the rain first starts to fall. It makes my mouth water, and I have to stand there breathing in deeply through my nose. The smell takes me back to when I was a kid living in Southern California, where it barely rains. As a kid, that smell meant rain, and all of us kids would run outside to play in the rain. We would just enjoy the rain and puddle games that would drench us. Rain was such a rare occurrence back then, and rain was always welcome. That rain smell always meant good things, and put everyone in a good mood. Since moving to Nashville, I have taken rain for granted, as we generally have more than enough, but not this year. I have no words to explain my happiness for the rain, the thoughts of trying not to take rain for granted anymore, and the bit of resentment of the drought while some parts of USA have been flooded (wiping out food crops) while we have had record heat and drought (wiping out food crops).

So, I go on with my evening tonight wishing for more good soaking rain tomorrow. I want to have the first drops hit my head as I am walking to my office. I want to take a few moments to breath in that "1st rain" smell that I adore. I want lift to come back to my garden.
Pretty Iris!
We've now gone almost 10 days without rain... It's been warm and things are finally starting to ripen in the garden - other than the beans and pickles which seem to like the cool damp. We might get some sweet corn yet this year!
I hope you get another rainy day - I love that smell, too!
Wow, a nice garden! Here, we've been having extreme showers/rain since the beginning of summer... Horrible!!!
Hello KZ, I wish you a great harvest! Sweet corn would be very exciting! Thank you for the wish of rain, we could use some more.
Hello Rosa, Thank you for thinking my garden is nice (from May 2007), but unfortunately it is mostly dead now. I wish that you had more sun and we had more rain!
I'm sorry about your parched garden! It's just gotten super-hot here in California, and what I wouldn't do for a huge, exciting, thunder-filled rainstorm!
Thanks CM. With the drought, most of the farmers markets have closed due to lack of produce to sell. Lost of produced did not make it without rain.
Disappointing, huh. So sorry.
We keep our garden going with every-other-day irrigation (and even that is probably too often), but we just don't face the heat and drought you do.
Cookie, it has been the worst drought on record with record high temps in Nashville. The 2 of the 3 farmer's markets have folded due to crop loss, and my garden is a complete loss this year. :( With that, I am still managing to find local sources, and be about 75% locally eating.
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