Eat Locally Part 4 - what is around my house
I have locally grown food around my house. Literally, they are around my house. I have potted organic herbs around the deck and front door to find the sun for them. I bought most of the seedlings last year from the Gardens of Babylon, Farmers Market, 900 8th Ave North, Nashville, TN 615-244-8949 and I raised them with organic fertilizer, and left them to fend for themselves all winter long. These plants are so hearty, that they decided to come back for me. I can use these fresh herbs for my Eat Locally challenge. I also have dried a bunch of herbs this winter, and I will use those too.
Lannae's herbs =$0.00
Lannae's herbs Distance from Nashville: 0 miles
Lannae's herbs Distance from Nashville: 0 miles

Tennessee USA Honey Farm Honey 1/2 quart: $7.89/2 = $3.95
Goodlettsville, TN Distance from Nashville: 15 miles
Goodlettsville, TN Distance from Nashville: 15 miles

The wine, well, we make our own wine. We have had 3 vintages of Merlot, Shirah and Barbera. The grapes came from Napa, but they were brought here to be made into wineby a collective of about 50 people. We get together every September with Ernesto and friends to crush grapes, pick out stems, ferment, eat potluck yummies, and sing songs made famous by Sinatra. The equipment we use is Ernesto's Italian grandfather's equipment. It is made of old hard wood and cast iron. It is a great time to share this experience with new and old friends. I love making wine because this is what communities and families used to do in Europe, they would come together for the harvest and make something that comes from their hearts and hands. It is amazing to me that it takes about 50 lbs of grapes to make a dozen bottles of wine. Our last year, our collective had 10,000 lbs of grapes, which translates to about 2400 bottles of wine living all over the greater Nashville area. At my house, we have called ourselves the Llama Winery. For our wine, we have aged all our wines for over 1 year with a variety of American, Hungarian, and French toasted oak. The French oak has provided our wine with a very special quality that I love. Anyway, with the equipment, disinfectants, oak and cost of grapes, it averages out to be about $7 per bottle for us. This is the wine I will be using for the week. This wine is as local as it gets, and the stats on wine are these:
Total to date: $34.14
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Eat Local Challenge
Eat Locally
Llama Wine varietal undecided until I uncork it: $7
Llama Winery Distance from Nashville: 0 miles
Llama Winery Distance from Nashville: 0 miles
Total to date: $34.14
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Eat Local Challenge
Eat Locally
Labels: Eat Locally
Wow! You started! I am just getting my herbs planted outside right now. We harvested seeds from our ristra and will try to grow desert peppers in a muggy Nashville summer. Speaking of herbs, I once heard that Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme are a recipe to prevent pregnancy and, indeed, found some of them listed on this site:
I'm trying to get Cranky interested in a blueberry bush at our new house. He loves New England blueberries.
Not interested.
Hang in there. Have fun.
Wow, you have a blueberry bush at your new digs. Neato. How can you get Cranky interested? What if every time he looks at the blueberry bush, he gets a treat? No?
The wine issue, believe it or not, TN hills have similar grown conditions as some wine region in France, and we do have local wineries within 100 miles of Nashville. BUT, be cause of TN state laws says that alcohol distribution shall only be conducted by a licensed distributor (there are only 5 licensed distributors in TN), and on distributor carries local wine, I cannot buy local wine in a liquor store. oiy.
Oh, I love that you make your wine. We have a neighbor, 4 houses down from us who has converted his garage into a micro-winery. He makes very good wine indeed, gets the grapes from Napa. It's such an admirable thing to make it yourself.
Thank you Sher, we love making wine too. We think we make fairly good homemade wine because we work clean, and we use real toasted oak from various countries. Some in our collective make more "rustic" wines with aging only 6 months without oak.
Do tell how your neighbor makes wine! That would be fun to read about. What kind does he make? Does he share with you, that is the important thing, especially if it is a good batch.
You are really impressing me!!
Anyway, no, there is no blueberry bush here yet. Cranky would be interested in it if there was. But there's not, and I can't get him excited about the possibility of planting one. Might just have to do it on my own.
Thank you so much Cookie! It was you who is inspiring, and got me to try to do this Eat Locally Challenge. Thank you so much, for doing your Eat Locally week, and letting me read what you made, and how creative you were with food purchased for under $40! I am learning so much about food, and really good food!
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