What, only $1.99?! YEAH!

This book costs $35. It graces the shelf of my gourmet vegetarian friends. They cook a lot of food inspired by Mark Bittman. This recipe book is well worn at their house. I love the food they make, and I try to go visit them at least once per year to eat their food. I have not purchased the book because it is $35, and I was holding out for this book as a gift... until now.
I just bought HTCE How to Cook Everything for $1.99 for the iPhone/iTouch! Yup, I got the book for $1.99 plus tax. I nearly have given up on books, and moved to my iPhone/iTouch Kindle App, NYTimes App, USAToday App, AP New App, Shakespeare App, and the USA Constitution App as my main reading. I now have Ratio the book by Michael Ruhlman and now HTCE on my iPhone/iTouch! I can now cook almost everything (of a Western Tradition) by the use of these 2 books. I love my Apps, and it did not break the bank to buy the Apps either.
I love my little machine and all the wonderful Apps I have on it. Thanks Jobs and all the App developers! Keep it coming!
L, We have an old yellow version with a big peanut oil stain that we love. -p&f
I love my virtual big red book too!
Is Ratio available on an app too? I finally bought it during the Borders closeout sale....
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