Lannae's Food and Travel

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March 11, 2007

A Walk in the Park

Sylvan Park - Melrose
2330 Franklin Pike
Nashville, TN 37204
(615) 269-9716

Sylvan Park Restaurant is categorized as a Meat-N-Three. Meat-N-Three is uniquely Nashville. What it means is that you can pick a meat dish like chicken-n-dumplings, meatloaf, salisbury steak, salmon croquette, pork chop, fried chicken or another equally delicious, but fat laddened meat item. Along with the meat, you can pick three side items such as mac-n-cheese, turnip greens, green beans, corn, white beans, mashed potatoes, or other sides that are straight out from the 1950s. Dessert is, of course, pie or banana pudding. Banana pudding seems to be another Nashville specialty, and anyone who has grown up in Nashville seems to have a soft spot for banana pudding. The set up at a Meat-N-Three is either a cafeteria line or diner style.

my burger and fries

During my first trip to Sylvan Park, I was taken aback by the waitress. She was as tall as Flo from Alice, had some hair like Flo, and spoke in an accent like Flo. The differences were that our waitress was wearing jeans and tee-shirt, not a pink uniform, and she spoke to us as if we were her long time daily customers coming for a chat. Quite inviting indeed.

fruit salad plate

We were a bit late in the evening for Sylvan Park standards, about 7:30 pm, the place closes at 8 pm, and they had run out of a lot of the menu, including the banana pudding. So we had to make due. I got a burger and fries, on dinner mate got a fruit salad, and the other got a 3 veggie plate, which is a 3 sides plate.
veggie plate

My burger was as much of a diner burger as you would want. My friend's fruit salad plate is, as you can see, like a plate straight out of the 1950s. I like the veggie plate which my other friend chose a jello salad made with red jello and canned fruit, macaroni with stewed tomatoes, and pole beans which are like huge green beans that require a lot of simmering to be soft enough to eat.

The food here has been showcased on the Stern's Roadfood, and Fodor's online. Sylvan Park is such a throwback to the 1950s, that I think people love going here because it reminds then of fond memories of when they were carefree kids. Who wouldn't want to suspend time for just a moment and enjoy good childhood memories of a warm summer day, while eating some red jello.

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At 3/14/07, 10:00 PM, Blogger Austere Hotdog said...

Looks a lot like hospital or school food. LOL.

At 3/15/07, 8:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I.T., you are right! LOL. The options we got are bit school food like. There are a couple meat and threes in Nashville that have a roast or a turkey carving station, so they are a bit better.

BUT, if you had a great time in grade school or the hospital (LOL) then come on down and try Sylvan Park, as eating the food will take you right back there.

At 3/15/07, 3:35 PM, Blogger Erica Kain said...

I was wondering why everyone in Nashville instinctually understood the "Meat-n-Three" concept. Hub-D and I were thrilled to discover it. Yum!

At 3/16/07, 8:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hello CM! Since I am not originally from Nashville, I did not instinctually understand the Meat-n-Three. I still don't get it really. But, there is one, the Cooper Kettle, across the street from David Lipscomb Univ that I really like.


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