Lannae's Food and Travel

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March 24, 2012

Local Pickled Yummies

It is so dang fun to run across local people doing really cool things, like Kristin making pickled yummies! I ran across her Kickstarter page Pickle Me This, and her Facebook Page and I was intrigued. You know me, I love local and local organic ingredients, and this gal is doing just that. She picks up a lot of her fruits and veggies from the local farmers, and packs 'em into pickling jars and preserves them. How fun is that? She has one that is pickled plums. I am so anxious to try the plums!

One thing that I love about Kristin's product is that the her product is shelf stable, stabilized in the old fashioned canning way (not in the yucky chemical way)! I live in a small house, I don't have a lot of freezer space, so I was considering canning as a way to preserved food for winter. Canned/jarred food can be stored under beds, under couches, in the corner of a closet without any electricity to keep it in its state stable state. I have a lot of space under the bed, just not in the freezer. Once the jar is open, the un-eaten portion can be fridged for up to a month.

I love this stuff, and you might too! Go check out the Kickstarter page Pickle Me This!


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